Morning Prayers


                                                            OUR FATHER

 Our Father who art in heaven/ hallowed be thy name, thy kingda come thy will be done on earth/ as it is in heaven./ Give us this day our daily bread/and forgive us our trespasses/ as we/ forgive those who trespass against us/ And lead us not into temptation bus

deliver us from evil.


                                                                  PRAYER 1

O my God/ at the beginning of this day, I turn to you/ my Lord and Father. Look upon me lovingly/ as upon your child. Grant me/ to desire always/what is most acceptable to you/ that your will, may be mine and my will, may be conformed to yours.


                                                              PRAYER 2

O Creator God/O full of life / O source of all knowledge / we thank you for this beautiful day. Keep us active in our studies and other activities. Increase our memory / better our behavior / so that cooperating with each other we may build a better world to live in.


                                                   PRAYER 3

 O God our Heavenly Father/ thank you for all the wonderful gifts/ you are giving me again today. Be with me during the day/ so that/ may be obedient/helpful and cheerful. Bless my parents/ teachers and all those who live with me/ work for me and work with me.


                                                      PRAYER 4

Make me all through today/O God obedient to my parents Respectius

my teachers Diligent in my work/ Fair in my games/ Kind to thos

bom can help/True to my friends And loyal to you.

                                                                 PRAYER 5

 Lord/I thank you for all the things you have given me. Help me

lways good and truthful. Bless my country mummy and daddy and all my dear ones. Bless my Mother land/ with peace and prosperity. Protect and defend me from all evil.


                                                        PRAYER 6

O God/ all through today/ help me not to lose my temper/ even when people, and things annoy med not to lose my hope/ when things are difficult and when learning is hard/ Help me so to live today that will have nothing/to be sorry for/ when I go to bed/again at night.                 Amen

                           PRAYER BEFORE CLASS

My Lord and my God/I praise and worship you/ because you are my creator and saviour./I thank you for my life/ and for all/ Your mercies to me./ Holy Spirit of God enlighten my mind/ with your sacred light./ Give me the courage/to do good/ and to avoid evil.


                           PRAYER BEFORE RECESS

Bless us O Lord/ and these your gifts/ which we are going to receive from Your goodness/through our Lord and Saviour.


                             PRAYER AFTER RECESS

 My Lord and my God/ the most loving and merciful thank you for your love and care/ which is always there to guide us/ protect us and bless us/ Shine your light upon us/ so that we may follow/ the path of love/ wisdom/ and goodness/ to glorify You/ our Lord and



                                            PRAYER AFTER CLASS

My Lord and my God, I thank you/ for all the graces/l rec you today, Pardon me Lord/ for all my faults/ and shor Bless me Lord/my parents/my teachers/ and my country

I received from


                                PRAYER AT EXAMINATION TIME

 O God/ help me at my examinations today/ to remember the which I have learnt and studied/ Help me/ to remember think clearly/ Help me/ to be calm and clear hearted/ and best/l ask this through your name.

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O God/ Master of our minds and hearts/ shine on us the link wisdom/ Pour out on us/ the spirit of understanding/ truth! peace./ Help us to strive with all our hearts/to know what is plea to you./Enlighten our minds/ strengthen our memories/ to do well our examination/ and bring joy to our parents and glory to you.


                                      PRAYER BEFORE GOING HOME

Father in heaven we thank you/ for the help and guidance/ you gave us all through the day./We ask you now/ to be with us on our way and to bring us safely home we pray.

                                            PRAYER AT NIGHT

Dear Lord the day is coming to an end/ Thank you for sustaining mel walking with me/ guiding and leading me/ on the right path./I am sorry for the wrong I have done./ Please forgive me and be with me during the night/ so that/I wake up again/ refreshed and ready to do your will.

                                                          PRAYER FOR CHILDREN

 we bring before you/ all the children all over the world/ poor dich normal and abnormal/ able and disabled./ Very specially children of our school./ We ask you to bless us/ protect us and ide us. Help us to offer our hands/ in love, friendship and

dear standing/ towards one another.) May we grow day by day! radiating your peace and joy to all./We make this prayer in your holy name.



India is my country./ All Indians are/ my brothers and sisters./ I love my country, and I am proud of its rich/ and varied heritage./I shall always strive/ to be worthy of it./ I shall give my parents/teachers/ and all elders respect/ and treat everyone with courtesy.) To my country and my people/ I pledge my devotion./ In their well-being/ and prosperity alone lies my happiness.


मेरा देश है।

हम सब भारतवासी भाई-बहन हैं।

                                           मुझे अपने देश से प्रेम है।

इसकी समृद्धि और सांस्कृतिक विरासत पर मुझे गर्व है।

मैं हमेश इसके प्रति वफादार रहूँगी/रहूँगा।

माता-पिता, गुरूजनों तथा बड़ों के साथ हमेश आदर व शिष्टता का व्यवहार करूँगी/करूँगा।

मैं अपने देश व देशवासियों के प्रति

समर्पण की प्रतिज्ञा करती हूँ/करता हूँ।

उनके उत्कर्ष और भलाई में ही

मेरी प्रसन्नता है।