1 On this school, your blessings, Lord On this school your grace bestow On this school your blessing Lord May it come and never go. Bringing peace and joy and happiness Bringing love that knows no end On this school your blessing, Lord
On this school, your blessing send.
- On this school your loving, Lord ay it overflow each day. On this school your loving Lord May it come and with us stay Drawing us in love and unity By the love received from you On this school your loving Lord May it come each day a new.
- On this school your calling, Lord May it come to us each day On this school your calling, Lord May it come and lead the way Filling us with nobler yearnings, Lord Calling us to live in you On this school your calling, Lord May it come each day a new.
Ch: God’s love is so wonderful, our God is so wonderful
God’s love is so wonderful so wonderful for you and for me.
- God is always kind when you’re lonely
Keep Him closer to your heart, He will give you peace
He will give you rest, if you have His love in your heart
- Put your trust in God everybody, every day and every hour
He will give you joy, He will give you hope. If you have His love in your heart.
3 God will never fail if you ask, always shared his love for us So praise Him with your song, praise Him with your harp Let the whole world know His love for us.