Affiliated to CISCE - UP130

Kidwai Nagar Kanpur


1. All pupils are required to wear the school uniform. Neatness in dress and person, should be cultivated by every pupil. Long finger nails, nail polish or jewelry Or the Wearing Of expensive/fanciful ear rings, watches etc. in school premises is prohibited.

2. The school uniform is compulsory on all school days and school functions. Children who come without uniform should bring a note of excuse from their parents.


                                                                                     MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY

BOYS –Royal Blue half pant. Blue-White checked half sleeved shirt with straps crossed at the back-Classes Nursery. LKG & to .K.G.
GIRLS –Royal Blue Frock. Blue-White checked half sleeved shirt Classes Nursery, LKG & U.K.G.


BOYS & GIRLS – Blue Trousers, pink T Shirt& white shoes.

                                                                                   MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY

BOYS – Classes 1 to 12-Navy blue full pants, sky blue half sleeve shirt Classes 1 to 7-sky blue shirt & navy blue tunic
GIRLS – Classes 8 to 12 -Plain navy blue high necked kameez with a small collar and buttons in the front, sky blue salwar and waist coat with the school monogram on the left

                                                                                               SHOES FOR ALL

Monday to Friday- Black Shoes & Navy Blue socks with sky Blue stripes for all the students Classes Nursery to 12


BOYS – White full pants, House T-Shirt-Classes 1 to 12

GIRLS – Classes 1 to 7 – House T-Shirt/ white tunic

Classes 8 to 12 – White salwar kameez with waist coat (as per their houses)

Classes 1 to 12 – Coloured shoes as per their houses and white socks.


BOYS & GIRLS – Nursery. LKG & UKG Royal Blue full pant, Blue-White checked full sleeved shirt with straps crossed at the back

                                                                                   MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY

BOYS – Classes 1 to 12 navy blue full pants, sky blue shirt with full sleeves

GIRLS – Classes 1 to 7 sky blue shirt With full sleeves & navy tunic Classes 8 to 12 -plain Navy blue high necked

with a small collar and buttons in the front, sky blue salwar and waist coat with the school monogram on the let.


BOYS – Classes 1 to 12-White full pants, White shirt with full sleeve

GIRLS – Classes I to 7.White full sleeved shirt / white tunic

Classes 8to 12 – White salwar kameez with waist coat (as per their houses) (Navy blue sweater and navy blue blazer he school monogram is compulsory for all )

                                                                                       SHOES FOR ALL

Monday to Friday – Black Shoes & Navy blue socks with Sky Blue stripes

for all the students Classes Nursery to 12

Note: AlI the girts must use black hair bands only.

Boys must have short & trimmed hair. Girls must make two plaits. throughout the year.